Tuesday, October 11, 2022

As Per Vastu Never Keep These Pictures At Home, Know The Reasons Behind?

 Issues arise more when you keep these pictures at home know reasons behind

As Per Vastu Never Keep These Pictures At Home, Know The Reasons Behind?
As Per Vastu Never Keep These Pictures At Home, Know The Reasons Behind?

It is said that life is the name of battle, however here and there the strife in life expands somewhat, because of which commonly the explanation isn't perceived. Assuming you also need to confront some sort of issue, it might likewise be because of some sort of Vastu botches made in your home. From the development of the house to the enhancement of the house, rules are mentioned in Vastu, in the event that these guidelines are not dealt with, the individual needs to deal with issues throughout everyday life. As indicated by Vastu, there are whatever photos ought not to be kept in the house. Placing these photos in the house welcomes strife and incident in your life. On the off chance that you have these photos in your home, they ought to be eliminated right away. 

So we should realize which are those photos:-

Nataraja Statue

Although Nataraja is a form of Lord Shiva, As per Vastu Shastra, the icon of Natarajan ought not to be put in the house since Lord Shiva is in the situation of Tandava and it is viewed as an image of annihilation. This is the motivation behind why in Vastu it is taboo to put a symbol or image of Nataraja in the house.

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Photo of sinking ship

Many times people put beautiful pictures in their house but do not pay attention to the depiction made in them or due to hobbies, many people also bring pictures of Titanic, etc. in the house, but as per Vastu Shastra, the boat or boat soaking in the house whenever. ought not to be captured. This image brings cynicism. This can affect your work area, so remember to place such pictures in your home.

Crying baby photo

Everyone likes the pictures of children, particularly if several places an image of kids in their room, then it is considered favorable but Vastu Shastra says that the picture of a crying child should never be kept in the house. Youngsters are viewed as an indication of the best of luck yet the image of a crying child can cause misfortune

Picture of war

As per Vastu Shastra, pictures related to violent weapons of war should never be kept in the house. It is likewise illegal to place an image of Mahabharata in the house. These pictures increment the difficulty in the house It is believed that by putting the picture of Mahabharata in the house, a situation of separation can arise between the brothers.

Picture of the rose tree

Most people like the pictures of roses and roses because it is very beautiful to look at, in any case, Vastu Shastra says that it isn't all in all correct to put an image of a rose or a rose tree in the house  Rose tree has thorns which is why it can increase negativity. It likewise adversely affects the well-being of the relatives


Crying baby photo Everyone likes the pictures of children, particularly if several places an image of kids in their room, then it is considered favorable but Vastu Shastra says that the picture of a crying child should never be kept in the house. Picture of war As per Vastu Shastra, pictures related to violent weapons of war should never be kept in the house.

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