Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Graphology Handwriting analysis Introduction


Graphology Handwriting analysis Introduction
Graphology Handwriting analysis Introduction

Graphological Forecast

Graphology / Signature Science: Interpreting the meaning of these graphs and obtaining predictive results based on the study of graphs is known as handwriting analysis. This is an art. The author's writing reflects all the influences of the environment from birth to the present. Handwriting also reveals the writer's mindset and can therefore be decoded to give predictive results about the author.

The first book on the analysis of handwriting was written in 1662 by the French scientist Camilo Baldy. Even in 1000 BC, the Egyptians considered handwriting to be sacred. Handwriting analysis has been practiced in China and Japan since ancient times.

Handwriting is also known as the image of the subconscious mind. Each person's handwriting is as unique as their fingerprints. This is because we are not taught what blows are, they are taken by the mind in a way that works uniquely for that person. That is why it is said that handwriting never lies. The analysis of learning graphology and handwriting (graphology) responds to the need to know oneself and others.

Provides valuable knowledge and protection against unnecessary pain and loss. Such as marriage (it doesn't have to be a gamble), giving directions to children (you can help them get better grades and choosing the right options for higher education), partnership (choosing a way to facilitate entering the partnership) Select doctor, hire teachers, babysitters or even staff (graphics). You can detect all kinds of embarrassment, emotional turmoil, important character, and even criminal tendencies in a person's writing.

Handwriting Analysis Graphology is the science of determining one's personality, character traits, and destiny in one's own writing. About 2,000 years ago, Aristotle observed the relationship between handwriting and personality, and the Chinese also observed individually that there is a relationship between character and writing.

In the 17th century, Sadhu Samarth Ramdas Swami of India, who was the guru of the illustrious Shivaji, wrote in detail about how one can read the characteristics of a person in handwriting and how badly handwriting affects the mentality. someone (graphology). He also prepared an example of an ideal handwriting scenario. He mentions a lot of bibliography in his work "Dasbodh".

To comprehend the nuts and bolts of graphology, we need to know about the human brain that connects the centers with our senses and fingers. For example: "Tonsils" that are in the temporary lobe of the brain, regulate social and sexual behavior and other emotions. The "basal ganglia" in the cerebellum coordinate the suggestive movements of the fingers.

Thus, the brain responds to feelings such as anxiety or happiness which in turn affect the movement of the fingers and thus our writing reflects our feelings. So the handwriting of a person under strong pressure will be different from the handwriting of a quiet person. Similarly, the handwriting of a healthy person will be different from the handwriting of a person suffering from health problems.

Three graphic handwriting fields:

Any handwriting can be divided into areas called upper, middle, and lower regions

The upper region is called the “intellectual realm," " which tends to an individual's understanding, spirituality, and imagination. So the more letters you enter into the upper region, the more intellectual you use your mind.

The focal district is known as the "social locale", which reflects a person’s self-confidence and social relationships. When there are several letters in the middle, there is one person between us for whom social relationships are important. It is action-oriented and does not waste time on your thoughts.

The lower region is called the "base region" and reflects a person's material and sexual desire. The most fallen characters in this region represent a person who seeks to satisfy material aspirations. The sharp bottom letter in this area indicates criminal trends.

Graphology tends to write:

The writing trend can be divided into 5 chapters. If the letters are completely vertical, they mean the person currently living. This person is disciplined well-informed (graphology). We find this in judges, financial specialists, and lawmakers.

If the letters are tilted slightly to the right, we have a man living for the future. He makes decisions quickly and actually implements them. Senior executives and administrators will come to this section. If the letters are finally caught on the right, the person enters the verb without thinking properly (graphics).

As a result, their activities will often be wrong. If the trend is a little left, it is very imaginative and introverted. Her advice will be very helpful to others. This section will feature political advisors (graphic artists), artists, and filmmakers. If there is an extreme inclination to the left, then we have a man living in the past.

He is a dreamer and cannot do any practical work. He tries to avoid society and leaves himself alone.

Graphology writing space

Writers who leave a huge space in each line are given analytical thinking and management skills. This will be revealed by the hand of the teacher and the principal. Authors who do not have enough space in the queue cannot make the right decision because they have failed to verify the facts. I have a weak will (graphology).

When words are placed too far away, it means loneliness and a desire to communicate with others. If the words are too close to each other, the person cannot keep their distance from each other (graphology). He doesn’t care about privacy and he’s always with someone. It also means insecurity and low self-confidence.

What is graph therapy OR Graphology?

If someone has negative traits, such as a short mood or delay, or laziness, it can be removed by changing the handwriting. The change in handwriting is called graph therapy. An astrologer or lucky person will look at a person’s palate or horoscope and explain why a person has a negative trait, and he may suggest a puja and talk about the planet, but the graphologist must change that person’s hand and write the negative. will disappear in a month (graphics). Each person’s handwriting is unique only to them and can reveal a lot about its nature and behavioral characteristics such as aggression and methods.

Handwriting Graphology:

Combined forms represent the association of letters with a word. There are four connecting forms: garland, arcade, angular, and thread. The Garland connection represents a smooth curve at the baseline. These people are ready to mingle with others and run smoothly.

The arcade type represents an umbrella-like rounded top. This is a sign to stay away from others. He is secretive, reserved, and proud. Sometimes it also represents an artist (graphology).

Angular connections (graphology) are characterized by sharp angles at the top and base. This person is motionless and pulls the other towards his goal. He is excited and sometimes violent.

If the angular type is combined with the left arrow of writing, it's anything but an indication of solitary inclinations. Thread connection occurs when characters appear as interlaced threads. This form refers to a person who is impatient, hesitant, and insecure and makes hasty decisions.

Size of Graphology Sheet:

The person who uses capital letters wants to be different from others. He thinks that others will also consider him a leader. On the other hand, the person who uses lowercase letters never gets into trouble with others. He is an intelligent person with good graphics. Round letters indicate a soft and friendly person who does not encourage quarrels. The abbreviations represent the narcissism of the individual. He is a calculator and a miser.

Graphology Margin:

A wide left margin represents a person's self-esteem and sensitivity. The wide right margin represents the person who wants to stay away and protect their privacy (graphology). If a writer omits both the left and right sides of his writing, he is escaping the world because it fails to meet his expectations. On the other hand, if a person does not give up the edge, then he worries about his teammates.

Worship confers respect to God, (graphology) can be regarded as a sacred honor through prayer and rituals. The movement of the planets stabilizes human life and hence reduces the negative effects while worshiping.

Puja is a way through which we pray for the blessings of God and it also helps us to protect the evil effects of the Manarfic planet in our natural chart. The ancient Vedic scriptures on our astrology (Graphology) and the ancient sages and sages have suggested many pujas as astrological remedies for various problems.

Puja is considered more sacred than other astrological remedies as it is said that they can have a more positive effect and influence a person's life for the better (Graphology). Worship looks very effective when done in the right way or with the help of a qualified scholar. There are many specific worships and shelters for different deities which are very clearly defined in Vedic science and scriptures. The worship is said to instill inner strength and credibility, besides helpful results. 

Graphology Puja Remedy:

Worship is considered to be the most powerful way to reduce the negative effects of the planet as compared to gems, rudraksha, or any other materialistic method. When a person hires a Vedic scholar (graphology) or priest to perform the puja when he himself learns the rituals and performs the puja himself, the result is genuinely sure. Today's performance of worship by scholars has become a different matter in itself where it is heavily commercialized. In ancient times the king of the place looked after a Pandit, where His Majesty provided the Pandit with land and a house to live in and the people of the city gave him clothes and food as gifts (Dakshina). his education.

So in those days scholars made their living by teaching free knowledge of Vedic scriptures and also worshiped and treated them without any hesitation and people accepted whatever they gave them without cash or free of cost. The circumstance isn't similar today, the greed for money through astrological remedies and worships is so strong and so people and scholars have become more materialistic.

Worship is an altar or place of worship of images and images (graphology). The puja is always given a special place in a room and a variety of sacred things can be placed in the puja and can be used during the puja such as idols, incense, meditation oil, reciting books, or Chalisa, sacred objects during the puja. Huh. Everything associated with the ritual of worship is symbolically significant (graphology).

Graphology Requirements:

A small bench or wooden table or cardboard box is enough to hold an area larger than 36 x 24. If you wish to decorate a smaller number of images and/or sculptures on the page, the size may vary. Remember that you should see the items on the altar and that the offerings should have easy access during worship.

Spot the table (or box) against a divider, cover it with a clean cloth that is white as desired, and secure it by taping it down so that it doesn't slip easily.

The idol or image/figure of the deity, called 'vigraha', meaning devoid of the ill effects of a planet or 'planet', should also be arranged on the altar in such a way that it leans against the wall.

Prepare the lamp by soaking it in oil with a cotton swab. Place the lamp in front of the photo. The lamp we light represents the light within us which is the soul. Do not light these until you are ready to start the puja (graphics).

Prepare the dish of worship from small vermilion utensils (cup-like, metal of choice), degree incense sticks (incense sticks), and a matchbox. The incense we burn together reflects our desire for different things in life. Sindoor or red powder signifies our feelings (Graphology).

Prepare another plate and offer different types of fruits (bananas, apples, oranges, etc.) and some types of leaves and flowers. The flowers we offer to the deities blossom inside us. The given fruits symbolize our separation, altruism, and give up. 

You will require an aarti plate.  It can be a small plate in which some vertical wicks are soaked in oil or ghee or some wicks are soaked in oil or ghee.

You will need lowercase letters (raw broken rice).

Favorite sweet-covered dishes may be placed on the cloth-covered ground in front of the altar.

Fill a metal vessel large enough to contain some mugs of water and place it in front of the altar. You will need space. preferably a metal straight-walled glass that will be poured during the service. A distributor (called a uderana or a common metal spoon) for supplying water from a gutter. You will also require a small piece of cloth, white for a male deity and a colored cloth for a goddess.

Two lamps and incense sticks. Keep them safe around you so that they don't get harmed. Direct the smoke of the incense sticks towards the altar in such a way that there is no inconvenience in chanting for the assembly due to the smoke.
The main emotion should be joy and devotion. Make sure it doesn't start for a while You're not sure that through worship a pleasant, honest, respectful, comfortable environment (graphics) is created to please yourself as you begin to surrender the head to God We do.

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