Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Know These Things Written In The Puranas Related To Animals And Birds

 Vastu Says Know These Things Written In The Puranas Related To Animals And Birds

Know These Things Written In The Puranas Related To Animals And Birds
Know These Things Written In The Puranas Related To Animals And Birds

Animals and animals and birds have always been highly respected in Hinduism. Indeed, in our Vedas and Puranas, rishis and sages have talked about all these in detail. You all will know that the cow is seen as a mother in Sanatan Dharma. You must have heard about many other religious beliefs related to them before, but today we will talk about some other creatures. 

Along with this, we will tell you such things related to them, which you can get to see in our Puranas.

Related to Ants:-

Did you know that there are more than 14,000 species of ants in the whole world? Although the ant is very small, it is considered a very hardworking creature. Ants always move in groups and work together. It has been told that like us humans, ants also interact with each other, make their place to live and collect food to fill their stomachs.

Did you know that ants have the ability to lift objects 100 times heavier than themselves? It is said that when ants work together, they can do anything. He even has the power to cut the mountain with his constant effort. There are mainly two types of ants – red and black. Where on the one hand black and is considered auspicious and on the other hand red ant is considered inauspicious.

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If you give food to ants every day, then they recognize you and have good feelings towards you. Along with this, you get their blessings which can save you from many difficulties. If you are in debt, feed the ants with flour and sugar daily. With this, you will get rid of your debt soon.

Related to dogs:-

According to mythological beliefs, the dog is considered the messenger of Yamraj. Along with this, he is also considered the servant of Bhairav ​​Baba. It is believed that providing food to dogs pleases Bhairav ​​Baba. If you are successful in pleasing Bhairav ​​Baba then no trouble can come to you. Along with this, keeping dogs happy can also prove beneficial for you. It is said that spirits run away from dogs. Therefore, if you keep a dog near you, then they do not allow any evil spirit to wander near you.

It is said that dogs have a special power. They foresee future events in advance. If you provide food to dogs, it gives a lot of merits and protects you from different kinds of troubles. It is said that if you are going to do any auspicious work and a dog blocks your way, then, at that point it is viewed as a terrible sign 

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The crying and wailing of a dog are also not considered auspicious. This makes negative energies. Having a pet dog will fulfill all desires. It is said that if there is a sick person in the house, then the dog takes his disease on himself. In case you are not having kids then keeping a dog of black color can give auspicious results.

Related to crows:-

Many such things have been told in the Puranas about crows. It is said that the arrival of crows is a sign of the arrival of a guest. Along with this, mythological beliefs have discovered, crows as the shelter of ancestors. Many such unique and mysterious things have been told about crows.

It is said that when the ocean was churned for nectar between the gods and the demons, the crows also tasted a little nectar at that time. As a result, crows never die because of disease or age. Their death is always accidental.

Apart from this, as we told you that crows have been described as the shelter of ancestors. Crows are considered to be of great importance during the worship of ancestors. It is said that if the crows are fed food at the time of worship of ancestors and they consume this food, then the ancestors get this food through them. Along with this, giving food to crows destroys all the troubles and sorrows.

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Where on the one hand black and is considered auspicious and on the other hand red ant is considered inauspicious. If you provide food to dogs, it gives a lot of merits and protects you from different kinds of troubles. It is said that if the crows are fed food at the time of worship of ancestors and they consume this food, then the ancestors get this food through them.

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